Google Chrome and Roaming Profiles

When using roaming profiles it can be annoying to use Google’s browser Chrome. This due to the fact that Google stores the Chrome data in the Local directory (%localappdata%) and not in the Roaming directory (%appdata%). Thus while the user his profiles roams over desktops and servers, the settings (bookmarks, etc) of Chrome doesn’t roam at all.

The solution is to set the UserDataDir for Chrome, which is easily done.
Windows Registry Location: Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\UserDataDir
Mac/Linux Preference Name: UserDataDir
Data type: String (REG_SZ)

The value can be set to: ${roaming_app_data}/Chrome
This will make a new subfolder Chrome for the settings in the Roaming folder.

More information about UserDataDir:
More information about the UserDataDir variables:


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